SD Group has created the trust and good reputation in mortgage industry and real estate developers in Canada since it established its business in 2002. Our tenet is integrity, professionalism, efficiency, continuous improvement, mutual benefit and makes win-win outcome with all our partners and clients.

SD Real Estate

SD Capital

SD Mortgages

SD Health

Victor Huo, Centum Fundamental Financial Inc., Optimus Platinum Award in 2011
Victor Huo, Centum Fundamental Financial Inc., Optimus Platinum in 2012
Victor Huo, the Outstanding Entrepreneur Award in 2016.
Victor Huo, the Excellent Chinese Business Entrepreneur Award in 2017
– Real estate development project in Oakville
– Co-operating projects in GTA, Waterloo and Niagara Falls
– Residential Mortgage
– Commercial Mortgage
– Private Mortgage

Mega Has Newly Retained the Well-known Planning and Designing Companies for the Projects.
盛达地产正式签约如下两家公司开展如下主要工作及另外近10家顾问公司分包单项工作: Weston Consulting (http://westonconsulting.com) 全面负责盛达地产位于Fort Erie 市三个项目全部规划工作: 1....

盛达地产开发公司正式雇佣 The Planning Partnership 和 IBD Corporation 服务于公司的多个地产项目的开发。 The Planning Partnership 全面负责盛达地产开发公司系列项目设计规划工作 IBD Corporation...

多伦多市长出席团结晚宴, 力挺华人社区, 望消除歧视

2019年10 月26 日晚, 加中四川总商会理事会就职典礼在皇家斯图夫维尔高尔夫球场成功落幕。 加拿大联邦、省、市三级政府官员及代表, 中国驻多伦多总领馆官员、各界商会社团领导、各界知名人士及媒体朋友共150余宾客出席本次盛会。...